21 February 2008

Phone made of renewable and reused parts

We do see frequent increase in the mobile models each day. The technology is upgraded regularly and we are able to get new models with revolutionary features. This is a good sign but the major complaint that is prevailing over this issue is that this growth has lead to the increase in the dumping of electronic waste in the form of outdated mobiles. Nokia has planned to overcome this damage to the environment through the invention of new mobile phones. These phones are developed with the help of renewable and reusable parts. Nokia 3100-Evolve is the model which incorporates this technology. Another problem we have with respect to the mobile usage is that we don’t unplug the charger after it has charged the mobile. This leads to the wastage of considerable amount of power. This situation can be elevated with the advent on Eco Sensor Phone. This could be used to track local weather patterns, environmental changes and many more functions are available. This device has inbuilt software that communicates with charger. If the charger has finished its work it is switched off automatically without the need to unplug it. This process could save substantial amount of energy and this technology could be incorporated in various fields. Now it is up to us to make this venture a grand success. We must surely lend our hands in reducing the wastage of power.

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